Landscape Sciences




ECTS: 3.5

SCHEDULE: TU 15.00 -17.00

2017-2018 Guide

2018-2019 Guide


The aim of the subject is to provide students expertise and tools to identify plant diversity and describe the morphology of vascular plants. It seeks to recognize and understand the physiological responses of plants to variations in their environment, and to identify what are the biotic and abiotic factors involved in the viability of the species.

Relationships among organisms and theirs with their environment are studied: concepts related to population ecology are explained, and intra and interspecific relationships are described, as well as the structure and functioning of ecosystems and their organization in space and time.


Classification and nomenclature of plants. Vascular plants: morphology and multiplication.

Plant eco-physiology: nutrition of water, minerals and hydrocarbons and plant adaptations to their envirnoment.


Interactions between species: competition, predation, mutualism and parasitism.

Ecological variables in organisms’ distribution: Geobotany; Biogeography and population dynamics. Communities: Structure and dynamics.

This subject also includes some practical exercises aimed at encouraging critical and argued reflection on current issues related to the subject.