Ecology, biology, agronomy, landscape engineering and the different environmental sciences are all taken into consideration throughout the design process. From global to local, from highly complex environmental solutions to the simplest traditional & logical approaches, they all should be applied in our landscape’s construction, conservation or restoration.
MBLandArch focuses on the academic approach of landscape architecture ranging from a projective exploration to contemporary topics of our environment. Merging both practice and theory, it considers inherent perspectives such as landscape ecology, humanistic disciplines and the construction of public space, among others.
The main aim is to make landscape architects question contemporary topics such as climate change in the Mediterranean Region, the parameterization of ecosystem values in landscape, the recognition of metropolitan emerging spaces, as well as participative processes.
The programme is based on site knowledge and time specificity. Therefore, it enhances cartographic representation and landscape construction materiality, exploring its development and different strategies which nurture the dialogue between public administrations and the territory actors.

Landscape architecture embraces all kind of outdoor spaces. Barcelona’s urban model and its historical renowned public space design are spread worldwide. Our specific approach is defined by an understanding of a large territorial scale and the usage of ecological theoretical concepts and its representation.
In terms of territorial scale, landscape architecture deals with geography, land management, social sciences and all kind of urban decisions that, day by day, build our cities’ landscapes.
Ecology, biology, agronomy, landscape engineering and the different environmental sciences are all taken into consideration throughout the design process. From global to local, from highly complex environmental solutions to the simplest traditional & logical approaches, they all should be applied in our landscape’s construction, conservation or restoration.
A transdisciplinary and multiscale approach, specific to Landscape architecture, has traditionally nurtured our discipline and determined Barcelona School of Architecture’s reputation through artistic, creative, and architectural skills.